- dynamic storage
- динамическая памятьПамять, выделяемая и освобождаемая во время выполнения программы операторами new и delete.
English-Russian glossary of C + +. 2014.
English-Russian glossary of C + +. 2014.
Dynamic Storage — [engl.], dynamischer Speicher … Universal-Lexikon
dynamic storage — dinaminė atmintis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. cyclic memory; cyclic storage; circulating memory; dynamic memory; dynamic storage; recirculating storage vok. Dauerumlaufspeicher, m; dynamischer Speicher, m; Umlaufspeicher, m… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Dynamic memory allocation — In computer science, dynamic memory allocation is the allocation of memory storage for use in a computer program during the runtime of that program. It can be seen also as a way of distributing ownership of limited memory resources among many… … Wikipedia
dynamic memory — dinaminė atmintis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. cyclic memory; cyclic storage; circulating memory; dynamic memory; dynamic storage; recirculating storage vok. Dauerumlaufspeicher, m; dynamischer Speicher, m; Umlaufspeicher, m… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Dynamic mechanical analysis — Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer Acronym DMA Classification Thermal analysis Manufacturers Bose Electroforce Group, Mettler Toledo, Netzsch Instruments, PerkinElmer, TA Instruments, Triton Technology Ltd, Gabo Other techniques Related Isothermal… … Wikipedia
Dynamic random access memory — (DRAM) is a type of random access memory that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor within an integrated circuit. Since real capacitors leak charge, the information eventually fades unless the capacitor charge is refreshed periodically … Wikipedia
Dynamic modulus — is the ratio of stress to strain under vibratory conditions (calculated from data obtained from either free or forced vibration tests, in shear, compression, or elongation). It is a property of viscoelastic materials. Contents 1 Viscoelastic… … Wikipedia
Dynamic Data Exchange — (DDE) механизм взаимодействия приложений в операционных системах Microsoft Windows и OS/2. Хотя этот механизм до сих пор поддерживается в последних версиях Windows, в основном он заменён на более мощные механизмы OLE, COM и Microsoft OLE… … Википедия
Dynamic SSL — is an endpoint security technology developed by Daniel McCann and Nima Sharifimehr of NetSecure Technologies Ltd. Dynamic SSL was created to solve the endpoint security problem in public networks by transparently correcting the implementation… … Wikipedia
Dynamic demand (electric power) — Dynamic Demand is the name of a semi passive technology for adjusting load demands on an electrical power grid. (It is also the name of an independent not for profit organization in the UK supported by a charitable grant from the Esmée Fairbairn… … Wikipedia
Dynamic program analysis — is the analysis of computer software that is performed by executing programs built from that software system on a real or virtual processor. For dynamic program analysis to be effective, the target program must be executed with sufficient test… … Wikipedia